Fast-Food Minimum Wage Increase to $20/hour (AB 1228)

Assembly Bill (AB) 1228 has enacted significant changes, including establishing a $20 per hour minimum wage for fast food workers. Please find a concise summary of the bill's key points below:

Minimum Wage Increase for Fast Food Workers (AB 1228):

  • Commencing April 1, 2024, fast food employees in California will be entitled to a minimum wage of $20 per hour.

  • This minimum wage is set to rise each year up to and including the year 2029, with the exact annual increases to be determined.

Establishment of the Fast Food Council:

  • Alongside the minimum wage provision, AB 1228 introduces the creation of the Fast Food Council.

  • Starting in 2024, this council is expected to play a pivotal role in making recommendations for broader workplace conditions within the fast food sector.

This new law is a milestone in California's efforts to enhance worker compensation within the fast food industry. It highlights the need for employers in this sector to plan ahead for the new minimum wage structure and any forthcoming recommendations that may emerge from the newly established Fast Food Council.

If your business falls under the scope of this new law, it is essential to prepare for these changes, particularly in terms of payroll adjustments and budgeting. Our firm is ready to assist with any questions you may have about this new bill or help with the implementation of the necessary changes to your practices.

Please don't hesitate to reach out for further assistance and support.